Wednesday, January 28, 2009

TGI Wednesday

I like Wednesdays. For the past few of years, I've been lucky enough to meet a great friend at the gym for some strength training. For the first year or so we were joined by our third amigo who sadly had to leave us for a different gym. We have stayed friends and we are grateful we still get to see her, but we miss our lifting days with her.

We are a threesome again thanks to another friend joining us. We have a great time laughing and sharing stories about kids, home, and other parts of our lives. We somehow manage to lift a few weights in between all of the conversation.

This picture of Brenda (on right) and I was taken pre-workout this morning. I wish I could say that I was all sweaty and buff after the workout, but honestly we mostly gabbed. She is very kind to work out and spend time with me given that she is stronger, funnier, and nicer than me. She has inspired me with her healthy lifestyle, creative mind and open heart.

I usually run alone five days a week, so going to the gym and spending time with friends is something I look forward to every Wednesday. We missed Chris this morning, but that will give us twice as much to talk about next time.


Brenda said...

Awww shucks... You are too kind. It is me who is grateful for your companionship during our "workouts." We are hard core fitness goddesses and even though we run our mouths while lifting we still manage to put in a respectable amount of effort. You also inspire me with your solid character, running prowess and natural internal and external beauty.:)

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

... and I didn't even know either of you had blogs!! Brenda, I am heading over to yours!